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Problem solving

Solving a scheduling problem involves the SchedulingSolver class.

Solver definition

A SchedulingSolver instance takes a SchedulingProblem instance:

solver = SchedulingSolver(problem=scheduling_problem_instance)

It takes the following optional arguments:

  • debug: False by default, if set to True will output many useful information.

  • max_time: in seconds, the maximal time allowed to find a solution. Default is 10s.

  • parallel: boolean False by default, if True force the solver to be executed in multithreaded mode. It might be quicker. Or not.

  • random_values: a boolean, default to False. If set to True, enable a builtin generator to set random initial values. By setting this attribute to True, one expects the solver to give a different solution each time it is called.

  • logics: a string, None by default. Can be set to any of the supported z3 logics, "QF_IDL", "QF_LIA", etc. see By default (logics set to None), the solver tries to find the best logics, but there can be significant improvements by setting a specific logics ("QF_IDL" or "QF_UFIDL" seems to give the best performances).

  • verbosity: an integer, 0 by default. 1 or 2 increases the solver verbosity. TO be used in a debugging or inspection purpose.

  • optimizer: a string, "incremental" by default, can be also set to "optimize". 1 or 2 increases the solver verbosity. TO be used in a debugging or inspection purpose.

  • optimize_priority: a string among "pareto", "lex", "box", "weight".


Just call the solve method. This method returns a Solution instance.

solution = solver.solve()

Running the solve method returns can either fail or succeed, according to the 4 following cases:

  1. The problem cannot be solved because some constraints are contradictory. It is called "Unsatisfiable". The solve method returns False. For example:
TaskStartAt(task=cook_the_chicken, value=2)
TaskStartAt(task=cook_the_chicken, value=3)

It is obvious that these constraints cannot be both satisfied.

  1. The problem cannot be solved for an unknown reason (the satisfiability of the set of constraints cannot be computed). The solve method returns False.

  2. The solver takes too long to complete and exceeds the allowed max_time. The solve method returns False.

  3. The solver successes in finding a schedule that satisfies all the constraints. The solve method returns the solution, which can be rendered as a Gantt chart or a JSON string.


If the solver fails to give a solution, increase the max_time (case 2) or remove some constraints (case 1).

Find another solution

The solver may schedule:

  • one solution among many, in the case where there is no optimization,

  • the best possible schedule in case of an optimization issue.

In both cases, you may need to check a different schedule that fits all the constraints. Use the find_another_solution method and pass the variable you would want the solver to look for another solution.


Before requesting another solution, the solve method has first to be executed, i.e. there should already be a current solution.

You can pass any variable to the find_another_solution method: a task start, a task end, a task duration, a resource productivity etc.

For example, there are 5 different ways to schedule a FixedDurationTask with a duration=2 in an horizon of 6. The default solution returned by the solver is:

problem = ps.SchedulingProblem(name='FindAnotherSolution', horizon=6)
task_1 = ps.FixedDurationTask(name='task1', duration=2)
solver = ps.SchedulingSolver(problem=problem)
solution = solver.solve()
print("Solution for task_1.start:", solution.tasks['task1'])
Solution for task_1.start: 0

Then, we can request for another solution:

solution = solver.find_another_solution(task_1.start)
if solution is not None:
    print("New solution for task_1.start:", solution.tasks['task1'])
Solution for task_1.start: 1

You can recursively call find_another_solution to find all possible solutions, until the solver fails to return a new one.

Run in debug mode

If the debug attribute is set to True, the z3 solver is run with the unsat_core option. This will result in a much longer computation time, but this will help identifying the constraints that conflict. Because of this higher consumption of resources, the debug flag should be used only if the solver fails to find a solution.


Please refer to the Objectives page for further details.

Gantt chart

Please refer to the Gantt chart page for further details.


logics computing_time(s) flowtime priority obj value
QF_LRA 2.84 147 289 436
QF_LIA 4.25 165 320 485
QF_RDL 0.48 None None None
QF_IDL 3.45 174 339 513
QF_AUFLIA 6.01 129 270 399
QF_ALIA 3.69 139 280 419
QF_AUFLIRA 4.30 145 266 411
QF_AUFNIA 4.41 159 337 496
QF_AUFNIRA 5.35 168 310 478
QF_ANIA 6.12 168 320 488
QF_LIRA 5.41 151 302 453
QF_UFLIA 6.18 143 296 439
QF_UFLRA 9.19 143 305 448
QF_UFIDL 4.98 132 263 395
QF_UFRDL 5.69 171 352 523
QF_NIRA 6.72 142 268 410
QF_UFNRA 8.51 160 300 460
QF_UFNIA 18.89 130 261 391
QF_UFNIRA 6.36 171 320 491
QF_S 5.28 152 289 441
QF_SLIA 4.33 174 361 535
UFIDL 6.70 126 246 372
HORN 0.49 None None None
QF_FPLRA 6.21 129 253 382