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Indicator Constraints

The Indicator Constraints applies to an indicator.

  Constraint <|-- IndicatorConstraint
  IndicatorConstraint <|-- IndicatorTarget
  IndicatorConstraint <|-- IndicatorBounds


The IndicatorTarget constraint is designed to direct the solver to find a specific value for the indicator.

 c1 = ps.IndicatorTarget(indicator=ind_1,


The IndicatorBounds constraint restricts the value of an indicator within a specified range, defined by lower_bound and upper_bound. This constraint is useful for keeping indicator values within acceptable or feasible limits.

 c1 = ps.IndicatorBounds(indicator=ind_1,
                         lower_bound = 5,
                         upper_bound = 10)

lower_bound and upper_bound are optional parameters that can be set to None.


Note: At least one of lower_bound or upper_bound must be provided.